Friday, February 1, 2013

Go Red For Women today...Feb 1st!

Today, Feb 1st is the annual National Wear Red Day for the American Heart Association. Great timing, not only for Valentine's Day (aren't we all trying to find that one red outfit to wear 2/14?) but also because winter tends to encourage being indoors and many people put on a little extra "winter weight" from the colder, longer days. Obesity and heart disease are linked and while genetic factors can't be prevented, lifestyle ones can be.

For my part, I am fortunate that a few years back I bought a small indoor treadmill at Costco for a few hundred dollars in lieu of a gym membership that year and it has paid forward many, many times over! Anytime it's too cold/wet/dark/boring/crowded to go to a gym or hit the court I have no excuse not to plop myself and my tennis shoes on the treadmill downstairs where I can watch TV while working out. Actually our basement/family room is set up in such a way if all four of us are home, ONE of us HAS to be on the treadmill to watch TV....another good way to encourage fitness, even if a little drastic! But it definitely helps, I'm 41 years old with a bodyfat % of 19 and my blood pressure is 90/65...not too bad for a mom of two college students! : )

Here's my red outfit I'm wearing is not the most flattering color on me (I own about 100 pink and royal blue things though!) but it's for a good cause. Mind you this is an amateur "selfie", my daughter is a little more skilled at this talent:

I do water the plant in the window BTW...she's been alive since June, not too bad for me! It's wild how they grow in the direction of the sun no matter where you put them. Til next time...